China 6 Pack Natural Wool Dryer Balls Laundry Balls Manufacturers and Suppliers | Rolking

6 Pack Natural Wool Dryer Balls Laundry Balls

Pondok Description:

Wool laundry dryer ball are the product made with 100% pure New Zealand wool which are non allergic, non-toxic and AZO free. Balls are 100% handmade.*100% pure New Zealand wool* 100% handmade Item namewool dryer balls Size6cm to 10cm PackingPP baggift bagcotton bag...

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Packing na Taliwang

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Wool laundry dryer ball are the product made with 100% pure New Zealand wool which are non allergic, non-toxic and AZO free. Balls are 100% handmade.

* 100% murni Selandia Anyar wol
* 100% handmade


ngaran item wool dryer balls 
ukuran 6cm to 10cm 
pak-pakan PP kantong
gift bag
cotton bag
warna bodas
warna ngaropéa

wool dryer balls (93) wool felt ball (2) dryer balls  (44) IMG_2946

1 (2) s-l1600- (5)

1 2 

  • Saméméhna:
  • : Salajengna

  • Profil Perusahaan

    pabrik urang saprak taun 1983, anu perenahna di propinsi Hebei Province, kalér Cina. Cai mibanda loba pangalaman pikeun ngahasilkeun dirasakeun.

    Dua garis produksi profésional -There urang, éta gé ngarojong kami nyieun barang mulus tur dijamin waktu produksi.

    -There urang leuwih ti 50 urang di pabrik keur gawe urutan customer urang.

    - Urang bakal audisi nu sertifikasi BSCI unggal taun. ayeuna teh diliwatan taun ogé. Napel teh BSCI pabrik urang. Ieu ngarojong kami mun nawarkeun produk alus pikeun nasabah urang.

    - Aya sertifikasi SGS keur dirasakeun.

    - Aya Tim QC profésional mariksa kualitas barang. Ieu nawiskeun nu genah pangalusna pikeun konsumén ngajual barang.


    Q: Ulah Abdi peryogi neruskeun migunakeun lawon softener atanapi cadar dryer jeung 6 pak XL premium 100% dryer wol bal?
    A : Nope! Ditch those dryer sheets and stop buying liquid fabric softener too. The wool dryer balls will provide the softening effect you need and will save you money in the long run as a bonus.

    Q: Naha 6 pak XL premium 100% dryer wol bola leuwih hade tinimbang bentuk sejen dina softeners lawon?
    A: Wool dryer balls shorten drying time, soften and fluff fabric, and reduce static in a green, all-natural way. They also help bed sheets stay untangled during the drying process as well as keep pet hair off of clothes.

    Q: Dupi abdi nganggo 6 pak premium XL 100% wol dryer bal kalayan laundry abdi orok urang jeung / atawa diapers lawon?
    A: Absolutely! It is totally safe for a baby’s sensitive skin.

    Q: Sabaraha lami di 6 pak XL premium 100% wol dryer bola bakal lepas?
    A: They should last for over 1,000 loads. Most people will use them for 2-5 years, depending on how much laundry they do.

    Packing na Taliwang


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